
TechLING is an international conference devoted to the application of technology to languages. We are looking for contributions that present different technology-based approaches, both academic and non-academic, to the study, use and commercialization of languages. Proposals are expected to report on results achieved through the combination of languages/linguistics and technology, involving one, two or all of the major areas of the conference:

  • Language teaching and learning: language acquisition and learning, language disorders, digital educational resources, multimodality, mobile learning, distance education, languages for specific purposes; flipped classroom, MOOCs, digital game-based language learning.
  • Language industry: translation, interpreting, localization (software, websites, viedogames), editing and proofreading, terminology, lexicography, speech technology, data mining, semantic web, computer-assisted language therapy and rehabilitation.
  • Corpus linguistics: design, compilation, annotation, types of corpora, query systems, data sharing, text statistics.

Please note that the lists of subtopics under each main topic are intended as guidelines for submission, and hence are by no means exhaustive.

Invited speakers

Plenary talks:

  • Daniela Braga (DefinedCrowd - Microsoft Ventures Seattle Accelerator)

    A former student of the University of Minho, Daniela Braga has more than 15 years of experience in the field of speech technology and, more recently, in crowdsourcing and data mining. With an outstanding track of former activity in Portugal, Spain, USA and China, she is currently the co-founder and Chief Scientist of DefinedCrowd, after having previously worked at Microsoft and VoiceBox Technologies. Daniela Braga is still an active researcher, being the author of more than 90 scientific papers and several patents. She is also a guest lecturer at the University of Washington, USA.

  • Cristina Sylla (University of Minho)

    Cristina Sylla tem um Mestrado em Estudos Literários e um Mestrado em Tecnologia e Arte Digital é doutorada em Tecnologia da Educação. Atualmente desenvolve a sua atividade no CIEC Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança e no Laboratório de criação digital engageLab, na Universidade do Minho. O seu trabalho é publicado regularmente em Revistas e Conferências Internacionais de referência na área da Interação Humano Computador. É membro do Comité de várias conferências Internacionais. Em 2012 e 2015 recebeu o prémio para o melhor demonstrador, Golden Creative Showcase Award na Conferência ACE International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. Em 2013 recebeu o World Technology Award 2013 (uma iniciativa conjunta da TIME, Fortune, CNN, Science/AAAS and Kurzweil Technologies) na categoria Entertainment. É membro do World Technology Network assim como da ACM Association for Computer Machinery.

  • Geoffrey Williams (University of South Brittany, EvalHum Initiative)

    Geoffrey Williams is the director of the Department for Document Management and of the Master in Publishing and Digital Humanities of the University of South Brittany, Lorient. Professor Williams is also the director of LiCoRN (Lexicography, Corpus and Digital Resources) and a member of the research group LIDILEM, of the Grenoble Alpes University. Currently he is the president of EvalHum, a Europe-wide initiative concerned with research evaluation, innovation and impact in the Social Sciences and Humanities and a working group leader in the COST action 15137 ENRESSH – “European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities”.

  • Peter Murray-Rust (University of Cambridge, ContentMine)

    Peter Murray-Rust is a Reader Emeritus at the University of Cambridge. With an academic background in Chemistry, he has dedicated himself to the promotion of open data, particularly in science, and is on the advisory board of the Open Knowledge Foundation. His research interests focus on the automated analysis of data in scientific publications, creation of virtual communities and the semantic web. As of 2014, he was granted a fellowship by Shuttleworth Foundation in relation to the ContentMine project, which uses machines to automatically extract data from the scientific literature.

Thematic panels:

  • Ana Salgado (Lisbon Academy of Sciences)

    A lexicographer with 15 years’ experience, Ana Salgado is the coordinator of the new Dicionário da Academia. She is a corresponding member of the Class of Letters of the Lisbon Science Academy and a member of the Institute of Lexicology and Lexicography for the Portuguese Language. She is a researcher at the Energy, Environment and Health Unit of the Fernando Pessoa University and is involved in the project “Setting and standardizing terminology in the field of Earth Sciences: creation of thesauruses and glossaries”. Ana Salgado is further responsible for the “Orthographic Vocabulary of the Portuguese Language” and for the 2nd edition of the “Houaiss Portuguese Dictionary”.

  • Anabela Ferreira (University of Bologna)

    Anabela Ferreira is a translator as well as a teacher and researcher at the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori (University of Bologna, Forlì Campus), where she teaches Portuguese language and culture. Her research interests focus on terminology and lexicography, particularly in the legal sphere. She has published Portuguese and Italian dictionaries, whose updated version will soon be available, accompanied by a dedicated app. She is a representative of the Camões Institute and has been responsible for the Examination Center of Portuguese as a Foreign Language no. 3007 since 2002. In 2003 she founded the “Pequena Biblioteca de Português” (Small Portuguese Library) in Forlì.

  • Diogo Cunha (Universidade do Minho )

    Diogo Cunha licenciou-se em Línguas Aplicadas na Universidade do Minho, fez uma pós-graduação em Comunicação, Educação e Cidadania (ICS) e é presentemente aluno do Mestrado em Tecnologia e Arte Digital (EEUM). Trabalhou nas áreas do design gráfico, design de interfaces e implementação de tecnologias interativas ao ensino de línguas estrangeiras. Trabalha atualmente no departamento de comunicação da Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho. Entusiasta pela indústria e história do desenvolvimento de videojogos e tecnologias interativas, especialmente pelas áreas ligadas às humanidades digitais.

  • Eloy Rodrigues (Universidade do Minho )

    DEloy António Santos Cordeiro Rodrigues licenciou-se em História, variante em Arqueologia, pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, e concluiu o Curso de Especialização em Ciências Documentais, opção de Biblioteca e Documentação, na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Atualmente é Diretor dos Serviços de Documentação da Universidade do Minho. O foco de seu trabalho tem sido o desenvolvimento de bibliotecas digitais, a formação de bibliotecários e utilizadores de bibliotecas e a promoção do acesso livre à literatura científica (Open Access) através de repositórios institucionais. É autor de mais de três dezenas de artigos, livros e capítulos de livros sobre estas matérias. Em 2003, liderou a criação do RepositoriUM - o repositório institucional da Universidade de Minho, chefiando esse serviço desde então. No final de 2004 contribuiu para a definição da política da Universidade de Minho de acesso livre à sua produção científica. Dinamizou o Grupo de Trabalho sobre o Acesso Livre (Open Access) estabelecido pelo Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas em 2007, e desde Julho de 2008 lidera, sendo o responsável científico e técnico, a equipe da Universidade do Minho que desenvolve o projecto Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal ( Em nível europeu, foi membro do grupo de trabalho sobre Open Access da EUA (European Universities Association) em representação do Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas, e tem coordenado a participação da Universidade do Minho em vários projetos (NECOBELAC, OpenAIRE e OpenAIREplus, MEDOANET, PASTEUR4OA, FOSTER) financiados pelo 7º Programa Quadro da UE relacionados com os repositórios e o Open Access. Preside o Grupo de Trabalho sobre Interoperabilidade de Repositórios da Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR). Nos últimos cinco anos, a convite de diversas universidades e outras organizações, realizou mais de três dezenas de palestras, seminários e outras acções de divulgação ou formação sobre o acesso livre ao conhecimento e os repositórios institucionais, na Europa (Portugal, Espanha, Reino Unido, República Checa, Alemanha, Itália e França), em Moçambique, no Brasil, na Argentina e na Colômbia.

  • Hilário Fontes (Direção-Geral de Tradução - Luxemburgo)

    Licenciado em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas e Especialista em Tradução pela Universidade de Coimbra. Tradutor da Direção-Geral da Tradução (DGT) da Comissão Europeia desde 1991. Começou por dar formação em bases de dados, coordenou a primeira reorganização da metodologia de tradução em função das memórias de tradução na tradução portuguesa no Luxemburgo, alimentou e codificou dicionários de tradução automática e foi um dos três pioneiros portugueses que demonstraram a viabilidade da tradução automática estatística na DGT, com o pacote Moses for Mere Mortals, em 2009. Nos últimos anos tem partilhado a sua experiência na área das ferramentas de tradução em conferências no interior e no exterior das instituições europeias e enquanto tradutor visitante nas Universidades do Porto e do Minho, em 2013, e na Universidade Pedagógica, em Maputo, em 2015. Atualmente é coordenador para as ferramentas linguísticas no Departamento de Língua Portuguesa da DGT.

  • José Ramalho (Universidade do Minho )

    José Carlos Ramalho graduated in 1991 as a Systems and Informatics Engineer. During his graduation he has worked as a freelancer software developer and as a network technician for Apple. During this time he also taught several courses about computer programming for several public institutions. In 1991 he joined the Department of Informatics as an Assistent and started his MSc work. He has worked as a teacher since 1991 until the present. He also has been a researcher of Algoritmi's Research since then. He finishes his Phd in 2000 under the subject "Structured Documents Semantics". From 1996 until the present he has been researching in Structured Documents area (currently he is coordinating several projects in Digital Archives and Libraries field). He was responsible for the creation of the conference series called XATA (starting in 2003 until now). He wrote three books and many articles presented in internacional and nacional conferences. During 2008, together with two former post-graduation students he launches KEEP Solutions, a spin-off software company focusing Information Archiving, Information Management, Information Access and Information Deployment. In the last years, his focus was in Digital Preservation and Web Semantic where he was involved in projects like: RODA, SCAPE and E-ARK.

  • Manuel Dias (Microsoft Portugal)

    Manuel Dias has over 20 years’ experience in Information Systems, in diverse roles from Software Development, Product Management and Advanced Analytics. Manuel started his career at EFACEC leading a R&D team on real-time embedded systems, then moved to OutSystems where he held several roles, ranging from creating a new Business Solutions unit to the Product Management leadership. In 2010 Manuel joined Microsoft where he’s responsible for the Analytics area in the Enterprise Market, covering Business Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Insights initiatives. Manuel is also Invited Assistant Professor at NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) in the Advanced Analytics Master Degree Program. Manuel has a graduation in Electronics and Computer Science from Instituto Superior Técnico and a Master Degree in Information Systems from ISEG.

  • Manuel dos Santos Fernando Ramos (University of Aveiro)

    Fernando Ramos is Full Professor at the Communication and Art Department of the University of Aveiro, and he is also the Scientific Coordinator of DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction Research Center. He is a member of the executive committee of the Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development and of the steering committee of the PhD program in Technology-Enhanced Learning and Societal Challenges. Professor Ramos has authored and coauthored more than 200 publications in books, journals as well as national and international conferences. He further serves as international consultant in the fields of Distance Education, Technology-Enhanced Learning, and Higher Education Management.

  • Mariachiara Russo (University of Bologna)

    Mariachiara is Full Professor of Spanish Language and Translation at the Department of Interpreting and Translation of the University of Bologna at Forlì and free-lance conference interpreter. She is the Director of the MA in Interpreting and teaches Interpreting Theory and simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. She led the “European Parliament Interpreting Corpus” project and is one of the coordinators of the EU-funded Project “SHIFT in Orality – Shaping the Interpreters of the Future and of Today”. She has published extensively on corpus-based interpreting studies, aptitude testing for interpreting, conference interpreting, liaison interpreting, contrastive linguistics and simultaneous film interpreting.

  • Orlando Belo (Universidade do Minho)

    Orlando Belo ( is Associate Professor, with Habilitation, in the Department of Informatics at University of Minho, Portugal. He is a member of the Department of Informatics at University of Minho since 1986, and a member of the ALGORITMI R&D Centre, at the same university, working in Business Intelligence, with particular emphasis in areas like Databases, Data Warehousing Systems, OLAP, Dashboarding, and Data Mining. Currently he is the head of the Department of Informatics of University of Minho.

  • Susana Marques (Setepés)

    Doutoranda em Economia e Empresa pela Faculdade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Mestre em Gestão de Serviços pela Faculdade de Economia e Gestão da Universidade Católica Portuguesa -. Tese com o tema “Os serviços nas incubadoras de negócios criativos”. Licenciada em Gestão do Património pelo Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Especialização em Gestão de Empresas e Organizações Culturais pela Xabide/Universidade Complutense de Madrid. Directora da Setepés desde 1998 com funções de administração da empresa e de concepção, programação, coordenação e gestão de projectos criativos e culturais, bem como consultoria a organizações culturais. Destacam-se na coordenação e gestão cultural projectos como: Pólo Criativo do Design de Mobiliário- projecto que integra: Paredes Cidade Criativa, Art on Chairs e Fábrica do Design (2009-2015); Projeto RENEU-New Renaissance in Europe, Fórum Europeu “Uma Alma para a Europa”, Plano Director do Museu Móvel, Publicações para Côa e Siega Verde, Formação Profissional para o setor da cultua, Programação Cultural dos Municípios de Santa Maria da Feira e Paredes, entre outros. Enquanto consultora de organizações culturais, fez consultoria ao Conselho de Administração do Teatro Nacional D. Maria II e da empresa municipal de cultura EGEAC (Lisboa), à Direcção da Cooperativa Oficina- Guimarães,à vereação da cultura dos Municípios de Santa Maria da Feira, Paredes e Guimarães. Membro do grupo estratégico da iniciativa europeia A Soul for Europe e representante da Setepés na EEIG A Soul for Europe desde 2008. Membro do Parlamento Cultural Europeu desde 2009. Foi docente no ensino superior artístico - ESAP-Porto entre 2001 e 2006 na área da Gestão da Cultura; professora convidada da Faculdade de Letras da UP para a Pós-graduação de Animação e Gestão Cultural e no Curso de Experto Universitário em Gestão Cultural da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Formadora certificada nas áreas de Gestão Cultural e Organizações Culturais. Coordenou várias publicações de catálogos e livros para o setor cultural e criativo, destaca- se a publicação Gestão Cultural do Território editada em 2007 pela Setepés.

Organizing committee

  • Ana Cea (University of Minho)
  • Ana Correia (University of Minho)
  • Marisa Moreda (University of Minho)
  • Paulo Martins (University of Minho)
  • Pedro Dono (University of Minho)
  • Sílvia Araújo (University of Minho)
  • Sofia Barreiro (University of Minho)


  • Ana Vicente (University of Minho)
  • Andreia Baptista (University of Minho)
  • Diogo Cunha (University of Minho)
  • Maria do Carmo Lourenço-Gomes (University of Minho)
  • Mariana Leones (University of Minho)
  • João Araújo (University of Minho)
  • Tereza Afonso (University of Minho)

Scientific Committee

  • Ana Frankenberg-Garcia (University of Surrey)
  • Anabela Ferreira (University of Bologna)
  • Anabela Rato (University of Toronto )
  • Alberto Simões (University of Minho)
  • Andreia Rauber (University of Tübingen)
  • Ángeles Saavedra Places (University of A Coruña)
  • Álvaro Iriarte (University of Minho)
  • Claudio Bendazzoli (University of Turin)
  • Cristina Flores (University of Minho)
  • Diana Santos (University of Oslo)
  • Fernando Alves (University of Minho)
  • Idalete Dias (University of Minho)
  • José João Almeida (University of Minho)
  • Leyre Ruiz de Andrade (University of the Basque Country)
  • Luís Jesus (University of Aveiro)
  • Mariachiara Russo (University of Bologna)
  • Natalie Kübler (Paris Diderot University)
  • Nieves Brisaboa (University of A Coruña)
  • Pedro Mogorron (University of Alicante)
  • Thierry Soubrié (Stendhal University, Grenoble 3)
  • Tony Berber Sardinha (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo)



This conference is aimed at: professors, researchers, PhD students, post-doc researchers, language teachers, language service providers, entrepreneurs and business people with an interest in language-related matters.

Applicants may submit an abstract for one or more of the following formats:

  • presentation: 15-minute presentation followed by joint discussion at the end of the panel;
  • workshop: 90-minute hands-on session on some software and/or other electronic resource related to any of the above subtopics;
  • lightning talk: informal session during which participants have 5 minutes to share experiences, present their doubts and needs, or pitch a project idea.

Working languages of the conference are Portuguese, Spanish, English and French.

Abstracts of no more than 2500 characters (including the title) should be submitted through the registration form until July 15, 2016 September 9, 2016.

All papers submitted will be available in an electronic publication. We further intend to conduct a peer-reviewed selection of the papers. More details concerning this process will be announced in due course.

Registration fees:
























The registration fees include coffee breaks and conference material.

Those who wish to benefit from the student fee should send a copy of their student ID.

If you wish to submit an abstract proposal for more than one format, you should fill in a new registration form. In such cases, only payment of the highest fee is required.

Transport  Accommodation  About the City



Registrations for presentation, workshop and lightning talk run until May 16 July 15, 2016.

Registrations for attendance open.



Poster: PDF

Program: PDF

Book of abstracts: PDF

Map to BLCS: Google Maps



Sílvia Araújo:




Phone number: (+351) 253 60 41 85

Centro de Estudos Humanísticos
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga
